Meet Dr. Huey
Remember when I first bought my house, I was super excited about the rose bush, but didn’t know what variety it was? I’ve finally solved the mystery, and indeed it is interesting. I’ve been reading more about roses recently, primarily to learn about when and how to prune them, since by the fall last year it’s long rambling canes and sharp thorns were growing over both my outside spigot and my gas meter. In the process of learning about pruning and how to train it to a trellis, I also learned it’s variety. He is ‘Dr. Huey,’ which is commonly used throughout the United States, andRead More →
County Fair
Each year, I look forward to the start of fall, which is signaled by the county fair. I love our fair, it is a favorite time of the year – better than Christmas! I love to enter things in the fair and this year, I was excited to enter some things from my new house – things that were all mine. I have entered the flower show in the past, but most of the entries have been flowers grown by my mom and myself. This year, I only had a few flowers, but they were flowers that belonged to me alone. I entered a hostaRead More →
A Lily and Some Dahlias
My secret prayer partner gifted me with a beautiful Asiatic Lily, ‘Orange Matrix’. I kept it inside until I closed on the house and it lost it’s beautiful petals, but I have hopes it will be okay and come back next year – and for many more years to come. I wasn’t sure where to plant it, but decided to put it right outside the garage door so I could see it whenever I came home. There was already an area that possibly had annual flowers before, but it was grown over with weeds, so I went to work with my hoe to chop themRead More →
Plants Identified
I have closed on the house officially and have moved in and done some work. Unfortunately I do not have internet access and now that I do have it I forgot my camera so I can’t share new pictures. I was able to find out what some of the plants from my last post were and am going to write about those. All of the hostas are staying and I’m slowly working on removing the weeds growing in among them. Mom identified this and the other bush/tree like things as mulberry bushes, which were probably brought in by birds who eat the berries and thenRead More →
New House, New Plants, New Garden
You may have noticed the lack of posts recently, that is because I’ve been busy looking at houses to buy. I found one that suits my needs and am preparing to move. This means a new house, with new plants, and best of all, a garden all my own (that I don’t have to share with mom). Some of the plants that came with the house I’m excited about, others I do not know what they are, and yet others I am far less than enthused about. So here is a plant overview of the new house, perhaps you can help identify some of theRead More →