Well, the weather outside might not agree, but spring is coming and it is time to plant seeds so I can have happy, healthy seedlings to put out. My goal is to grow a majority, if not all, of my plants from seeds this year, rather than buying plants, so I’ve been carefully studying charts and weather/climate ratings for my area to find the best time to plant. I’ve also been using Smart Gardener to get a basic garden layout so I have an idea of how many seeds to plant so I don’t have extra or I’m not short. Though I’m using Smart Gardener for the layout, I like MyFolia better for tracking the planting, growth, etc. of each seed. You can see all of my plantings, what seeds I have for swap, and more on my profile.
In addition to using MyFolia, I’m keeping basic records in my garden notebook of what is planted where so I can tell at a quick glance without having to get on the computer and log onto the site.