I’m finally starting to feel a bit better, I had the influenza and then a kidney stone – both of which left me miserable. But while I was out of commission, my little plants grew and grew!
My cabbage and kale (the first things planted) especially grew. As I mentioned in a past blog post, they grew quite tall and lanky.
They were starting to show their roots on the outside of the coir pellets too – so it was time to replate them!

I gathered all my supplies. I decided to pot them up a bit into recycled paper pots and to give them a little organic fertilizer mixed with the soil.
First I put a small layer of soil on the bottom of the pot, this varied from plant to plant. I wanted them to be repotted so that long, lanky stem was mostly under the soil and the true leaves were just above the surface level of the soil.
Then I set the seedling into the pot to see if I had gotten the height about right.
Next, I filled in the area around it with soil – almost right up to the very top of the cup. I didn’t fill it all the way to the top, because I want to be able to water and not have the water run off right away.
Then I watered them, the soil was partially dry, so it took a few soaks to get it good and wet. I added a bit more soil after the soil compacted some when it got wet too.
Ta-da! Happy plants in their Big Boy Pots and back under the light, which had to be raised a bit to accommodate their taller pots.