The following is from my devotional book for today. I found it really helpful and encouraging. It was a great reminder about God’s love that I really needed to be reminded of today.

“Only goodness and faithful love will pursue me all the days of my life.” Psalm 23:6

God cannot love us more or less than He does at this moment. He chooses to heal and not to heal for His own reasons. All His decisions come from His love. But whether He chooses to heal or take us home, His love remains constant.
From Breaking Free Day by Day by Beth Moore

I think if we are honest with ourselves we’ve all reached a point where we really wonder why we are going through what we are going through. As chronic pain patients, we wonder why God is punishing us. We question why He doesn’t heal us. Yet, God’s word is so clear that He loves us infinitely more than we can imagine. He loves us each the same, so it can’t be that the healthiest person is loved any more (or less) than someone with whole body CRPS. We know He can heal, he did it again and again in the Bible. We even hear about His healing today. Why can’t He physically heal in our own lives?

It may not seem possible, but the truth is, what we are going through is what is best for us for right now. We can choose to not believe it, but it is true that God loves us and only wants what is best for us. Just as a nurse or doctor may have to hurt a patient in order to help them heal, God allows us to struggle and to experience the downs of life in order to draw us nearer to Him. He loves us, and wants what is best for us.

1 Comment

  1. We can also remember that Christ Jesus suffered immensely and died for our salvation. As Holy Scripture state we can join oursleves to Him in our suffering. This has helped me to build a stronger relationship with Him and cope with the pain.

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