I’ve mentioned on twitter multiple times about a great book that I bought and have been reading. No, not reading, studying. Because it is far more than a book you just read, it is a book that you read, study, absorb, learn, and re-read.
The book is called The 20-30 Something Garden Guide: A No-Fuss, Down and Dirty, Gardening 101 for Anyone Who Wants to Grow Stuff and it is written by Dee Nash (@reddirtramblin on Twitter).
I come from a somewhat strange place when it comes to gardening – I know quite a bit more than the beginning gardener, but I don’t know anything near what an advanced gardener knows. I’ve been gardening as long as I can remember – even when “gardening” involved more making mud pies than it did actually growing things. I know the depth you should plant seeds, but I don’t know when you should plant them. I know the names for the different garden tools, such as a spade, trowel, hoe, cultivator, etc. but I don’t know when you should use each one.
Not to mention that gardening has changed quite a bit from the ways my grandma learned growing up, which she passed down to my mom and myself. I’ve found this book to be perfect for me, it is easy enough to understand but not so simple that I get bored.
Oh, and by the way, if you aren’t quite in the 20 to 30 something age range, don’t worry, Dee says, “Although [it] is geared toward the 20-30 Something generation, it’s really also for anyone new to gardening who doesn’t know where to start.”This book is wonderful – I actually haven’t gotten past the first few chapters because I’ve read and re-read them again and again. This isn’t a book you are going to pick up, read once and set aside. Or at least I’m not! It is a book to refer to again and again!
And now, on to the giveaway!
This book sounds incredible! It’d be so helpful for the gardening adventure I’m planning this summer.
thanks for the chance to win – I love the idea of this book and would love to have for reference