Dear Mr. President,

My name is Amber Wiseman and I want to be honest with you.

I’m terrified. I’m sitting here in tears because I’m overwhelmed with emotion thinking of all the people you’ve affected by the things you’ve signed the past two days.

The thousands of people who will die without health coverage and the millions who will suffer without it.

The Tribe who have lost so much to invading white people already only to have their sacred lands and safe drinking water stripped away for the greed of more white people.

And now the thousands (or more) refugees who will be turned away, those who have been living in this country who will be unable to return.

I’m from a very red part of the state. I’ve voted Republican in every primary since I turned 18. I’m white. I’m a Christian. All these things say that I should be behind you. But I can’t do it. I can’t watch as people suffer from health conditions and die, I can’t take the land away from the Native Americans who have already lost so much, I can’t force people to return to lands torn by war simply because they have a different belief than mine.

Please, Mr. President, I beg you, please reconsider. Think of the people you claim to represent. Picture each one. This isn’t about you or your business, this is about a nation – a nation of real people who live and bleed and love and exist and die.

When you sign your name on a piece of paper it isn’t about a great photo opportunity, it isn’t about looking good, it is changing the lives of actual people. Imagine if it were your wife, your son, your daughter, your father who were affected.

Again, I implore you to consider every person who will be affected by this.