Dear Mr. President, My name is Amber Wiseman and I want to be honest with you. I’m terrified. I’m sitting here in tears because I’m overwhelmed with emotion thinking of all the people you’ve affected by the things you’ve signed the past two days. The thousands of people who will die without health coverage and the millions who will suffer without it. The Tribe who have lost so much to invading white people already only to have their sacred lands and safe drinking water stripped away for the greed of more white people. And now the thousands (or more) refugees who will be turned away,Read More →

I can’t answer for everyone, but I can answer for myself. I was actually unable to physically attend any marches, but I had planned to attend a smaller local one until I had surgery last week and couldn’t go. Marching wasn’t about being against Trump or for Hilary, in fact, most of it has nothing to do with themĀ at all. It is what our nation represents at this time. I think Trump just offered a launching point. The fact that we as a nation so readily elected a man who is so openly anti-black, anti-Muslim, anti-Mexican, etc. just reflects who many of us are asRead More →