30 Things to Do While I’m 30
Some people do a “30 things to do before I turn 30” list, well, I’m a little late for that since I’ll be 30 in a month. When I was 15, I did make a goal to visit all of the continents before I was 30. I made it to 5 out of the 7 before my chronic illnesses prevented me from international travel. While I still dream of visiting the final two (Antartica and Africa), it won’t be anytime soon. Instead, I decided to make a list of 30 things to do while I’m 30. 1. Make a website about cavy genetics. ✓ 2. Hang portraits of my petsRead More →
One Week of Work
It has only been a week, but a week of work towards goals can be huge. So here is my progress toward my goals so far (I’m planning to do this monthly, but wanted to give a bit more description of what I’m doing for each one than I did in the first post. Learn to love myself. This isn’t something that I’ve found specific things I can do – yet. It isn’t something that I can ever say I’ve “achieved” necessarily either, it is more of a continuous process. But I’ve started! Take at least one online course to learn something new. I’ve signedRead More →
A Plethora of Pictures
Maigee and I enjoying my Aunt’s beautiful garden Our town had a parade and I was able to enjoy seeing some Haflingers My peas finally produced The onions are getting quite large! Beautiful begonia My orchid is blooming again this summer Balloon flower blooming with some buds in the back Mikey isn’t fond of the hot weather, but is doing his best to keep cool Maigee is having fun in the sun Tyler discovered his paws and is trying to eat themRead More →