I’m not the only one who is doing the April challenge to do something every day, there are others, and one got an interesting response on a post with pictures of some beautiful flowers she had photographed.  The response said simply, “looking at flowers does not stop the pain.”  The blogger had her own response, but I thought I’d respond to it as well. So, does doing something enjoyable, like taking pictures daily, looking at photos of beautiful flowers, or anything like that really help your pain? I honestly believe it can.  Not only does doing pleasant things alter the neurotransmitters that can affect yourRead More →

I am incredibly honored to have recieved the Liebster Blog Award from Chris Dean who blogs at Life Your Way.  “Liebster” is German and means favorite or beloved.  The point of the award is that it is given to blogs that are somewhat less known.  I’ve noticed this among other blog awards around, but never expected to receive one myself. I’m even more surprised by the kind description she used to describe me and my blog: “I haven’t been following her long, but Amber is a fun-loving, positive person with a big heart! Don’t believe me? Check out her post ‘Crazy Sock Day!’” Now it is myRead More →