#6: Flycatcher
I’m semi-cheating this week by posting a picture of a painting I made this week.Read More →
I’m semi-cheating this week by posting a picture of a painting I made this week.Read More →
It has only been a week, but a week of work towards goals can be huge. So here is my progress toward my goals so far (I’m planning to do this monthly, but wanted to give a bit more description of what I’m doing for each one than I did in the first post. Learn to love myself. This isn’t something that I’ve found specific things I can do – yet. It isn’t something that I can ever say I’ve “achieved” necessarily either, it is more of a continuous process. But I’ve started! Take at least one online course to learn something new. I’ve signedRead More →
Did you make any New Year’s Goals or Resolutions? I like the word goals better because it is something to work toward rather than saying I have to do it. That means if I mess up, I can just get right back up and start off again, rather than giving up because I broke my resolution. Here are my 14 goals for 2014. 1. Learn to love myself. 2. Take at least one online course to learn something new. 3. Train my dog in rally and earn a title. 4. Spend 10 minutes each day cleaning or organizing something. 5. Do art more often. 6.Read More →
Dolphin 2010 Arcylics, 9 x 11 inches Horse 2010 Graphite, 9 x 11 inches Mouse 2010 Graphite/Charcoal, 9 x 9 inchesRead More →
A collage made entirely from buttons. From close up it looks like random buttons glued on a board, but from a distance, you can see the word HOPE written in the colored buttons. Sometimes hope isn’t always clear, but there is always hope. HOPE 2011 Mixed Media, 9 x 11 inchesRead More →
I thought I would share some of the art I’ve done over the past few months during my art class in college. Some have been very personal, others have been fun. Rising from Pain 2009 Mixed Media, 18 x 14 inches Blue Grasshopper 2009 Oil Pastels, 11 x 11 inches This piece was done with a single continuous line. Continous Line Shelf 2009 Marker, 11 x 16 inches Calvin H. English Library 2009 Graphite, 8.5 x 11 inches Realistic Pencil 2009 Graphite, 11 x 16 inchesRead More →
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